Saturday, September 1, 2012

Rain and shine

The sun really came out this morning, and so did everybody else. Especially that we are celebrating our city's 103rd Charter Day Anniversary, parade-lovers hurried off to town to join the festivities. And so today is "THE DAY" for us in this city but more especially for the neighbor kids. "They have snacks today? Yes, we will send the kids. They've been missing Brother Pastor, actually." This was from one of the young mothers whom I met as I went around our community to invite the kids. Many of them were out on this miraculously sunny day to play. I could immediately sense their excitement as I invited them. Eyes and mouth were wide open with big smiles as they nodded at my summon. I knew they were going to come. It's been exactly a month since we stopped serving food because of their month-long fasting.

Like I said the sun favored us with a few hours but by lunch time, dark clouds began to show up. All clothes on the line were now being ushered back in. Going back to the kitchen to check on the Macaroni Soup, I put back on my sweater. Should we postpone today's feeding? I thought for a moment. No way! Not when you see three serious-loooking kids already seated comfortably waiting for the opening song. And soon after, the rains slowly poured. So we had both, rain...and shine.

The Early Birds

Yes, these three were the early birds. From their house at the back, they must have smelled the Macaroni Soup from our kitchen and so they didn't wait for the bigger boys and girls but they  made sure they get a seat. 

By now we're almost a full house. And I don't know why these kids love this see-saw so much so that they couldn't wait for their turn. They swing it back and forth all together. I'm not sure how kids do that.

Another newcomer, I thought, only to learn that this four-year old girl (her name is Alira) has stopped coming for a long while because of a head surgery she had from brain tumor.  The seven-inch long stitches hiding under her hair are still somewhat visible. I don't know how doctors manage this delicate procedure but that must entail a special wisdom coming from God. I just know that she is looking fine, one of the happiest kids I've ever met from this class. I do believe God has a wonderful plan for her life that she was here with us today singing the song, "Oh be careful little eyes what you see..."

A new recruit. Looking at him while I shook his hand I could understand what he wanted to say, "Nice to meet you. I'm very happy to be here." He didn't say it out loud but his smiling face the whole time we were together confirmed the non-verbals. Looking at those happy faces gives relief from aching muscles after a busy feeding day.  He really made my day.


A heartwarming moment for us to hear the children sing from their hearts songs that talk about the Master's love for them. It doesn't matter if they know the lyrics or not, these mimicking birds are all eyes to their teacher trying to learn a new song.


My Class, the 5th and 6th Graders. I know, my legs looked like they were sliding apart. But look at the children. These eager beavers are paying attention to every word I say, especially that I was talking to them more in English. They liked that idea that we were conversing in this language (my style to catch their attention). We had a great lesson today on Daniel chapter 1, about 'keeping a good reputation' and not only in the eyes of men but before God. One thing for sure, they understood the lesson well and have actually written their own list of how to build strong reputation for doing good. Now, they really have interesting names and so to simplify recitation, I had them write their names on tags.

All of the children in this class are Majority kids, except for two. Is it possible to reach the unreached?


Time for some creamy, yummy Macaroni soup! 
The highlight of this program... to be able to serve them light meals (not just snacks) that really satisfy them. A small act of kindness to extend our Master's love to them through hands and heart.


My biggest consolation to hear these girls recite their memory verse. "For our labor is not in vain...." 

My old DVBS student, Rasmiyah, the girl wearing veil testifies of how the neighbors notice changes in  these children's behaviours and attitudes... tells us of good report. God's Word is powerful transforming even young minds and young hearts.

And were it not for our volunteer staff, all of these would not have been possible. To all our teachers, cook, assistants and helpers, job well done today. Keep up the good spirit and the good work. 

And to God whose love for these children compels us to love them as He does, our praises.

To all my praying partners and readers.... have another great week ahead of us.

I hear the roosters crow....

Good morning!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the huge number of pageviews thus far. This encourages the whole Feedish Team. If there be any encouragement or praises to our Master, you are welcome to post. God bless you all, readers and pray-ers.
