Saturday, September 29, 2012

Our Neighbor, God's Little Ones

Back during my childhood days, life was very difficult. Nice clothes, toys, candy treats, dolls..... almost anything a little girl ever dreamed of was scarce in my family. But I remember my childhood friends -  beautiful sisters, who would always invite us over to their house to watch television and play during summer breaks. Not that they were rich but their parents were so sweet, gentle and kind. About ten neighbor kids would easily flock to their apartment at any given day and would block their window sill, some would be squatting by the door, the less shy ones would actually have their eyes flaming red for watching too close. TV was a rare commodity in many homes then. But Saturday morning would be 'THE DAY' for our favorite cartoon show 'Popeye.' My contemporary 'baby-boomers' would relate to this, I'm sure. I would not forget my friend's father, Mr. B whose gentle and smiling voice would greet us with a warm 'hello' when he came home from work in the afternoon. He would still have the energy to entertain us. And their mother was the sweetest and most caring person I could remember in our neighborhood. What they had on the table they would even share with us. One day, we saw them loading up a big truck with all their furnitures and stuff because they were moving to another place. That was one of the saddest days in the life of the neighbor kids because we would be missing not only our favorite tv shows but their extraordinary hospitality most of all. They loved us. We missed them a lot.

When we started feeding these children in our own neighborhood I knew then that they have the same feeling that I had as a kid. To be loved and cared for by other people is an unforgettable experience, especially for a little child. The memory of it brings lasting joy. I never forgot this childhood friend and her family to this very day.

 Love is the only and most powerful way of winning over your enemies. Neighborly love wins. Love wins.

Something reminds me just now, something I have read...
                      "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

                      " I gave you a new commandment: love one another; just as I have loved you, you also
                         must love one another."

Wasn't it the greatest commandment ever written and given, that we love our neighbor as ourselves?

I pray that wherever you may be, whatever part of the world, whatever situation, whatever circumstances ... that you may have love not only for those whom you would naturally love like your families, and friends but also those whom you can reach out with compassion just as we have been commanded to.

As the song says, I need God, you need God, everyone needs to have this experience of the love of God and if we, as good neighbors can extend that love to others, HE said that we do it to no other but Him.

      "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers     and sisters of mine, you did for me.

      "He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'                                                                     Matt. 25 vv 40 & 45

Lastly, I have one more video to show to you, a shorter one I promise, that it may sum up the reason for  why we are sharing to these little ones. I hope this speaks to you as well.

Please continue to keep us in your mind and in your heart as we plant the seeds, even as we maintain our eyes open towards the fields until we see a harvest for indeed they are ripe.

A fruitful and abundant week full of love be unto you. Thank you for your many prayers.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

555 meals and counting...


That's right!

As of last Saturday we have served approximately 555 ++ meals since summer. Can't go precise with figures because you know kids, they come back for seconds... and thirds.... Especially when you serve them their favorites, which we always do. It gives us great joy to see them munch and chew and make those sounds when they really enjoy their food like, "hmm, yum yum."

Last Saturday I believe we had a blast. It was so fun to see the sauce-stained faces as they devoured with great delight. I mean, it was total demolition, appetite of the young lions.

We praise God and thank HIM for the people who continually extend their love for these kids and support this feeding program. As the saying goes, "A big heart will lay up treasures in heaven and will not worry about his pocket." (That's another version.) Our donors are ordinary people with ordinary-sized pockets but with extraordinary hearts. To all of you who have grown a love for these children (because HE loved you first), a thousandfold be  returned to you. And as you are touched again, then you can give more. Then we can feed more. So that the Giver can bless you again, and again, and again.

Can we really outgive our God?

First I want to thank our Maitre d' for the event.
Very efficient guy, he made sure all our
distinguished guests (the kids, of course) were properly greeted, seated, and served. Together with all his U.N.I.T.E.D. staff, the kids were served like 'preferred customers.'
Thanks to you, big brother! Thanks, United!

Photo shoots and footages courtesy of this 'Very Promising'
photographer-of-the-day with such a highly professional sense of
filmmaking. Two thumbs up!! Thanks!

This serious-looking, cute little boy couldn't wait for his older sister anymore and vowed to take care of himself. By the time she came to feed him, sauce was all gone - it was all over his face and his shirt.

"Tissue, please." I think we finished a whole Kleenex box wiping off everybody's mouth of the sauce.

"I don't know about you but I don't mind standing up here with my meal," was the impression that this satisfied boy gave us. He's one of our regulars and he definitely wouldn't miss today. The day I met him on the street last week for the 'Spaghetti Saturday' invitation, he instantly RSVP'd to the event.

A ceremonial hand salute is given with a big smile to express true satisfaction and thanksgiving. It's worth all our hard work when children acknowledge our labor of love. We offer back this salutation to our great Master and King.

"This is better than milk!" as if to say. I just presumed that, as coming from one who's just been weaned off of milk formula. I mean, don't you think that cute smile and those tantalizing eyes suggest that?

Came with a big appetite! This kiddo, with some of his cohorts, invaded the kitchen to ask for seconds. Sorry, be blessed next time! :-(

More rewarding moments.....

On top of it all, the highlight of this event, for me, is the coming of three of these children's mothers. It was last week when I met one of these women as I went around the community to invite the children. Thanks to our dear Edna who gladly accompanied me for the house to house. That friendship has been extended to two more women. They are my new girlfriends: Mona, Alma, and Baby, with Baby's son with us in this pic. We had a great time talking about family, children and what not. It was easy making friends with them. A direct result of your prayers and faith that somehow, God would  make it possible for us not only to meet these neighbors but to start a relationship with them. I felt a little ashamed when I asked them how long they've been living at the back of our place, that it's been five years since they moved from the southern part of our country all the way up north. It took me that long to extend the arms of friendship over the fence. But God is good, they are looking forward to seminars that I would be conducting with the women neighbors. I was able to get Baby's commitment to do the inviting for us.          PTL !

And not only did they come but they stayed and watched us play and talk with their children...till the end of the program (which by God's divine planning had to be shortened) so I could sit down with them over spaghetti and juice... and some friendly girl-talk. I am so privileged today!

There are so many things I could think of how to spend my weekends. At times I would think of going for some spa (which I had gone once in my entire adult life). It is on weekends that I would think of the movies, or some date, small shopping, or simply stay home and get some rest. And this is not to play any guilt-trip on anybody but I just want to share with you how much more meaningful and fulfilling my weekends have become now that I took the focus off of me and instead delighted myself in serving people and doing things to make others happy, too.  I realize that as one seriously thinks of his/her neighbor, God is the one who supplies the energy, strength and wisdom to accomplish great things with only one condition, that you do what you do not out of compulsion, but out of love.

I will have more stories to share and even more photos to upload within the week. Hubby insists that I join the snoring party. My digital timepiece reads 12:32 AM. He has every reason to call it a day. 

Let's call it a day, then. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Saturday's Special

Can't wait till Saturday. It's the day that we get to meet again the neighbor kids for another afternoon of fun and some meal. And guess what the kids are having? It's always one thing to prepare food for the kids to eat but it's another to give them what they really love. I want to thank this friend of mine (who lives in a faraway land) who shares my love for these children not only in word but in deed, who sent a special love offering so the kids could have a little 'fiesta.' I should be able to serve very decent meals for the next number of feeding Saturdays.....God return to you a hundredfold, E.T.S.
Normally we would prepare some soup or simple sandwich and some juice but this Saturday is somewhat special. If you can guess what kids all over the world love to eat, you already know what they're having. I mean, here in our country this is special party food. For many this may be a regular meal but here, this is 'the hostess' choice' in almost all occasions. So, thanks to my sweet friend who have so generously shared to our ministry so we can serve this favorite dish of all time - SPAGHETTI!

"Oh well, how can spaghetti be that special?," you might say. I believe it's how you cook it that makes it what it is - especially to the one who prepares it. And so for those of you who are known to me and my family, you know how pasta is prepared in our kitchen. It's not so much the expensive ingredients that I'm boasting about, but the passion and the love for pasta that I can assure everyone that kids will rave and come back for seconds. Our love for pasta and our love for these children are enough reason to make great spaghetti on Saturday.


I want to thank my friends who have taken the time to read this blog. And not only read but most especially pray for this ministry. Like I mentioned in my previous post, we've received a good report from one of the kids telling us of good changes in the children's behaviour as coming from some parents. That ensures us that the children will be allowed to come so we can continue with what our Master has tasked us, i.e., to love our neighbors. That is great news for all of us who have been praying for our Majority brothers and sisters. God has opened this door for us and we are being careful to obey and so would you please continue to partner with us through your prayers? I have a short list which all of you can help us pray for.

>  good weather on Saturday
> protection for the children
> wisdom, strength and guidance for the teachers and volunteers
> continuous provision for this ministry ( food, teaching materials)

Our regular feeding schedule is every 1st and 3rd Saturday afternoon of every month.

I have three more prayer requests which have been in my heart, asking the Lord's favor and direction:

1. Alira

If you remember the little girl whose picture I showed in last post, her name is Alira, who had brain tumor surgery - I would ask for prayers for her complete healing and recovery. She also has a small request which her older sister relayed to me last week. Her older sister came running to ask me that if we will distribute gifts again this December, her younger sister is requesting for a barbie doll. I told her that we would be praying that we will have the means to grant her little sister's request but no promises.

2. December gift-giving

In line with Alira's request, I would like to ask for prayers that God would provide for this 'act of kindness' for our Muslim neighbors. We started doing this last December through the generosity of some of us and we would like to do it again. You cannot imagine the joy that the these children have in that small act of giving. This is the way that we've reached the hearts of these children - showing our love in concrete terms, by sharing our gifts to them.

3. English tutorial

I am still praying for direction and guidance with another opportunity of extending our kindness to the older children by way of giving free English tutorial to them. Been praying about this ever since we started the feeding ministry because this is one way I can have an extended time with the kids and be able to share more of the Master's love for them. Would appreciate your prayers for this potentially wonderful opportunity.

Abundant blessings!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Rain and shine

The sun really came out this morning, and so did everybody else. Especially that we are celebrating our city's 103rd Charter Day Anniversary, parade-lovers hurried off to town to join the festivities. And so today is "THE DAY" for us in this city but more especially for the neighbor kids. "They have snacks today? Yes, we will send the kids. They've been missing Brother Pastor, actually." This was from one of the young mothers whom I met as I went around our community to invite the kids. Many of them were out on this miraculously sunny day to play. I could immediately sense their excitement as I invited them. Eyes and mouth were wide open with big smiles as they nodded at my summon. I knew they were going to come. It's been exactly a month since we stopped serving food because of their month-long fasting.

Like I said the sun favored us with a few hours but by lunch time, dark clouds began to show up. All clothes on the line were now being ushered back in. Going back to the kitchen to check on the Macaroni Soup, I put back on my sweater. Should we postpone today's feeding? I thought for a moment. No way! Not when you see three serious-loooking kids already seated comfortably waiting for the opening song. And soon after, the rains slowly poured. So we had both, rain...and shine.

The Early Birds

Yes, these three were the early birds. From their house at the back, they must have smelled the Macaroni Soup from our kitchen and so they didn't wait for the bigger boys and girls but they  made sure they get a seat. 

By now we're almost a full house. And I don't know why these kids love this see-saw so much so that they couldn't wait for their turn. They swing it back and forth all together. I'm not sure how kids do that.

Another newcomer, I thought, only to learn that this four-year old girl (her name is Alira) has stopped coming for a long while because of a head surgery she had from brain tumor.  The seven-inch long stitches hiding under her hair are still somewhat visible. I don't know how doctors manage this delicate procedure but that must entail a special wisdom coming from God. I just know that she is looking fine, one of the happiest kids I've ever met from this class. I do believe God has a wonderful plan for her life that she was here with us today singing the song, "Oh be careful little eyes what you see..."

A new recruit. Looking at him while I shook his hand I could understand what he wanted to say, "Nice to meet you. I'm very happy to be here." He didn't say it out loud but his smiling face the whole time we were together confirmed the non-verbals. Looking at those happy faces gives relief from aching muscles after a busy feeding day.  He really made my day.


A heartwarming moment for us to hear the children sing from their hearts songs that talk about the Master's love for them. It doesn't matter if they know the lyrics or not, these mimicking birds are all eyes to their teacher trying to learn a new song.


My Class, the 5th and 6th Graders. I know, my legs looked like they were sliding apart. But look at the children. These eager beavers are paying attention to every word I say, especially that I was talking to them more in English. They liked that idea that we were conversing in this language (my style to catch their attention). We had a great lesson today on Daniel chapter 1, about 'keeping a good reputation' and not only in the eyes of men but before God. One thing for sure, they understood the lesson well and have actually written their own list of how to build strong reputation for doing good. Now, they really have interesting names and so to simplify recitation, I had them write their names on tags.

All of the children in this class are Majority kids, except for two. Is it possible to reach the unreached?


Time for some creamy, yummy Macaroni soup! 
The highlight of this program... to be able to serve them light meals (not just snacks) that really satisfy them. A small act of kindness to extend our Master's love to them through hands and heart.


My biggest consolation to hear these girls recite their memory verse. "For our labor is not in vain...." 

My old DVBS student, Rasmiyah, the girl wearing veil testifies of how the neighbors notice changes in  these children's behaviours and attitudes... tells us of good report. God's Word is powerful transforming even young minds and young hearts.

And were it not for our volunteer staff, all of these would not have been possible. To all our teachers, cook, assistants and helpers, job well done today. Keep up the good spirit and the good work. 

And to God whose love for these children compels us to love them as He does, our praises.

To all my praying partners and readers.... have another great week ahead of us.

I hear the roosters crow....

Good morning!