Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ministry Snapshots

A warm day to all readers!

It was a chilly (and windy) 18 degrees C last night and it's been raining hamsters and kittens for the last decade here in our city (joke! only five days non stop) and I could only wish us all warmth. Some days we're like Elijah praying for rain, some days we wish it's all summer.... Anyways, I do hope that HIS blessings bring sunshine to our lives today. Whatever our circumstances, we can sing the song, "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice," as told by the apostle Paul to the Philippians. Right outlook equals right attitude.

I was going out on some errands but with rain like this ...

and supposed to be a new umbrella I bought few days ago like this....

I decided to spend the afternoon writing some more. But of course the decision came after I finished marinating some meat for tomorrow's lunch. Uhm... hickory smoked barbecue sauce and other related spice and sauces.... Courtesy of my son.

So I wrap myself in sweaters, clean socks (of course), settle in a chair sipping tea and blogging. Oh! this natural mint leaves with raw honey tea has been great with whole wheat crackers.

I would like to share more today about what our community has been doing insofar as bringing the message of the Saviour is concerned. It appears that we are doing social work thru feeding but's it's a lot more than that. We are sharing our life, in fact, we are investing of it to bring the message across. So far, the kids have been responsive. Sure they enjoy the delicious snacks we prepare for them but obviously, they feel more than just fill their tummies. I don't know how much love these children experience in their homes but their response to the friendship and care we give to them is astonishing. I guess they cannot reconcile the fact that we have totally differing beliefs so why would we go out of our ways inviting them for food and fun. That is the big difference that we make in their lives. It's not just about the food for the stomach as it is food for their soul and their hearts. They feel our love and care. Period. That made it all worth our whiles, to see the children come rushing to our center with excitement eager to have another session of fun, learning and feeding. Especially as we end the afternoon, we see them going out still with the brightest smiles and the happiest mood. Somehow, we know that we are making a dent in their lives. Who knows, one of these days the wind of blessing will pass by them and they will know HIM whom we know, not by what we tell them but by how we model HIS love to them.

Once I dreamt of making a video project of my own. I know it sounds ambitious for someone like me but I got the inspiration from an AV expert who was one of our facilitators in a leadership seminar I attended in the mid Pacific. She had the most fantastic, jaw-dropping professionally-taken photographs.  And so somehow I made this commitment to myself (and to her) that I would use my learnings from her for effective ministry. During that leadership seminar I was also sensing that I would have this future assignment of bringing peace and hope to a specific target, a group of people that I had fear and prejudice of. Now it made sense to me why I should learn how to make my own videos on iMovie.

The video presentation that will follow suit first of all, is a result of that envisioning and obedience to the mandate. There are so many good things happening I could write about but this video should explain pretty much what we do. The call to 'love our neighbor' I think is a very practical one and this is how we responded. A small act of kindness, a building of a friendly relationship, hopefully a lasting one, service to our community. . .all in obedience to our Master.  Much prayer is being invested that this program will bring the Saviour to the children's hearts. Who knows? One day they will embrace HIM like we do and that their names will be found written in the Book of Life. Secondly, yes I am so blessed to have done this video project on iMovie. I guess the process of doing it all with the touch of HIS presence guiding me every step of the way is more important to me than the finished product. Have you experienced a time when you were writing a story and you know it wasn't you at all writing? That your hands were being guided by a mighty presence and inspiration? Or took video clips and later wondered how in the world you had just the perfect shots? And then learn technicalities from scratch in one week to finish the movie in just another week? Or how about finding the right background music and just the perfect voice to do the narration? Those of you who have learned the technologies of this age know what I'm talking about. I  wouldn't dare take credit for this accomplishment,  I owe it all to HIM who gave me wisdom and strength and patience to finish a full-length, five minute movie. ( lol ) May all of you who read this find the inspiration to do something excellent for HIM not trusting in your brilliance but in what HE can mightily do through you.

See you tomorrow for the video upload party......

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